Friday, October 31, 2008

sWitCh iT oFf!

lately, i have realised that it has become very difficult to switch off my mobile phone. it does not matter if i don't receive a message or a call, i need to switch it on. i realise that every time i get an sms, i immediately look at it, whether i'm in class or whether i'm in the middle of a conversation with a friend. now, i know this is an impolite habit, but it is very hard to resist the temptation of reaching for my phone and checking out the message. in reality, most of the time these messages that come are mundane, not so significant "where are you?" "what are you doing?" "let's go have tea" kind of messages. of course, i'm not saying that these are unnecessary. it is very essential for our communication and relation to send each other such kind of smses. the only problem is that we should know when and how we should use the device that man has made.

for instance, it is not cool to use a phone when your best friend is sitting with you. you can either make the call later, or politely excuse yourself if it's important or make sure that you're not on the phone for long.

i also hate the fact that i wake up to every beep that my phone makes. i still know even if i keep it on vibration. the likely solution would be to just switch it off. but, no! that would be insane, not vogue and totally not cool!

it is exactly for this reason, this lack of self control and self censorship that keeps me bothered. it has become clear that i'm letting this small, communicative technology control my life. man has become controlled by his creation. this is a very bad power struggle. how can i ever let a machine take control over me?

it is time to limit my cell phone use and abuse. it is time for me to take control. it is time to engage in animated conversations with my friends over a cup of tea, with my cell phone switched off!